Here is the artist statement I wrote for this year's Art Studio Catalogue:
Lisa Spinelli
Third Year Art Studio Major
The Inner World
The Ethereal
The Unconscious
The Element of Chance
In my process I like to be open to improvisation and I try to respond to each gesture, mark, or application of paint that I make on a surface. I have a love of late-nineteenth century and twentieth century painting, and I have a great deal of interest in the history and development of painting itself. As an artist I am very process-driven, and I like to figure things out as I go – what one might call “making as thinking”. It is through this process that I hope to discover my true self and my inner identity by working in an abstract way that is not tangible to everyday representation, or maybe even the English language. I believe that we are limited in expressing ourselves and our emotions in the everyday means we have available to us, and that our inner emotions can simply be too complex to fully explain in words. This is why I paint, and why I am currently focusing on abstraction as opposed to representational work. I think what interests me the most about abstract painting is that it is an altered reality, rather than an unreal or non-reality. For me abstraction can actually feel more like reality than the physical, representational world itself – perhaps this is why abstract painting continues to thrive in the twenty-first century.
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