John Cage Project: Rhythmic Proportions

"John Cage Project: Rhythmic Proportions". 2011. 10 x 10 inch squares.
Oil on canvas. Painting III, Fall 2011. University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Based on "the proportions of 2 & 1/2, 1 & 1/2, 2, 5, 6, 5, 1/2, 1 & 1/2" that are strictly cohered to throughout the duration of John Cage's piece "Four String Quartet". According to my research, Cage wrote "Four String Quartet" just before he starting writing his prepared piano pieces (the ones where he put all sorts of objects in the piano to alter the sounds). Cage wanted to remove his own likes and dislikes from his music at this point, in order to 'suppress the ego' and search for something beyond; an element of chance, and subsequently, a process of discovery. It was interesting to work within a system to create this piece. 


  1. I attended the University of Lethbridge from 1973 to 1977, It is fun to 'bump' into your blog and to see some of what's happening. I also love to see the landscape again. I really should return! Thank you. Follow me at

  2. Thanks sepaintsred, it's great for me that you 'bumped' into my blog, too! Sorry for the late reply


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